Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 5?

Just One More!
Hi, readers!
Sorry, I am a little behind on schedule with my movie reviews because they have taken way longer than before. I have already watched my final movie, Airplane!, but now I just need to write a review for it. But I will get it done by my TED Talk Wednesday, no doubt! I am almost completed with my “Da Comedy Critic” website. Since I am almost halfway through with my Web Design class with in M hall, I have lots of knowledge on HTML and CSS. This is why I coded the website myself and didn’t take the easy way out by using website makers. All I need to do is finish the Parody review and put that on my website, and I will be all set to show you guys during my TED Talk. If you are curious to see what my website looks like, here is a sneak peak of my Character Comedy page:
The movie review that is  posted below is Home Alone, one of my favorite movies. When I watched it, it was as if I was watching it through a whole new perspective. I really learned something new about Kevin, the main character, and his development throughout the movie. At first I thought he was just a clever, funny kid. But now, on top of that, I learned something deeper about him. He was a boy with a desire to be on top and to overcome, despite society pushing him to the bottom. Despite having some independence for a few days, living the lifestyle of an adult, he realizes that he still is only a kid and is not ready to be at that level of maturation. I really love movie review, it is making me see these old characters that I have known all my life, and putting new life into them, new stories, new people. I think that there is something to be learned here in life as well. If we should try to experience the repetitive things in life in a different way every time we experience it (if that makes sense). Don’t be in a routine, doing the same boring old thing over and over again, try to change it up a bit every time you do it. It will give you a different perspective on one event. We should never experience the same thing in the say way.
Well, here is my movie review for Home Alone:
Click here to see the notes I took while watching Home Alone (spoilers).
I really focused on the acting and truthfulness to genre. These are the two main components of movie reviews, especially in Siskel’s and Ebert’s movie reviews. I tried to cut out the unnecessary components that I reviewed in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. This is because a real movie review wouldn’t focus on music, colors, and analysis. I made around a 70-30 review-analysis split because I still needed some analysis. I did much better this week than last leek on my review. It is shorter and has more review than my original . I really enjoyed doing a review for Home Alone way more than Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.
If you take notice, I have a fresh cut and I am wearing a t-shirt. You cannot see this but a I am also wearing shorts in that video. I am so ready for the spring. Why did it have to snow on the first day of spring? Seriously? Hopefully the weather will start to be consistently in the 60s.

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